Friday, April 29, 2005

"Resurrection is not something that is consistent with our daily experience, otherwise people wouldn't have pet cemeteries."

"You would suspect an illicit relationship with so much Hume all over him."

"They're always RUBES!"

"You thought the fun was over, but no! Not only, BUT ALSO!"

"This isn't just the Switzerland of modern philosophy, it's the matterhorn!"

"I'm your philosopher now, BITCH!"

Friday, April 08, 2005

"...but, enough about me. Not that there ever could be enough about me, but let's just stop for now."

"After you pay to get in @ Disneyland, all the rides are free. Admittedly popcorn will cost you your first born child..."

"I might suppose that I need to hold a lot of lit firecrackers for my self preservation."

"I'm so Presbyterian that I want to burn Lutherans at the stake. Actually I don't. I figure hell will be sufficient."

"...but here's the question I leave you with. WHAT THE HELL IS THE GENERAL WILL?!"
- Wyma on Rousseau's "social contract"

"I'm not saying he's not a genius...I'm just saying he's entirely wrong."