Saturday, January 31, 2009

Social and Political Philosophy 2008 (we will get to J-Term quotes; I promise.)

“You are irritating me.” (Said with severely gritted teeth to a dying marker.)

“He’s concise, baby.” (Re: Aquinas.)

“That’s good enough. Now the doorjamb’s there to trip someone.” (Said after Wyma kicked the doorjamb out of the classroom and into the hall.)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy J-Term break everybody! To celebrate said break, a multiplicity of quotes.

Social and Political Philosophy 2008

“That’s just a really messed up ‘3’” (Wyma had been using numbers to denote points, and then accidentally wrote ‘B’ instead of ‘3’)

“We’re eating mutton.” (The end result of the Tragedy of the Commons when we take more grass than is necessary for our sheep.)

“Maybe we won’t have a chance to evolve. A comet comes, hits the planet, and geckos will inherit the earth.”

“The family [in Rawls' OP] appears to slide by without scrutinty... scrutinty?” (‘scrutiny’ and ‘being scrutinized’ became one word. Editors note: I’ve now heard this word used outside of class.)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Come and experience the wilderness of Utah!"
-After discussing polygamy during Ethics Bowl practice

Friday, January 23, 2009

Social and Political Philosophy 2008

"Philosophers should get paid more, and of course Plato would agree with me."

"He made me cry over a volleyball." (Wyma’s reason as to why Tom Hanks in Castaway should have won best actor over Russell Crowe in Gladiator.)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Social and Political Philosophy 2008

"This is going to do something really spiffy." (Regarding Rawls' hybrid theory of social contract theory + classical liberalism.)

(Background: the entire class has just admitted to never watching The Wrath of Khan.)
"Now I won't even bother with my example." (Proceeds to scribble madly on the whiteboard.)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hey to all of you who've been patiently waiting for more quotes from Wyma! First off, as you might have seen from the name I'm not Heather Stevens (which is sad, being Heather would be awesome) however, like Heather, I will be taking care of your daily need for Wyma's wit/wisdom. So, to begin...

Intro to Philosophy 2006
"There are some humans that are below animals. Paris Hilton, for example."

History of Medieval Philosophy 2008
"I felt like a eunuch in the Playboy mansion." (Wyma, regarding looking at his skies while ill and feeling no desire whatsoever towards them.)