Wednesday, December 12, 2007

"Yeah!! We each get to be our own little divine commander."
Sartre's Existentialism
Man says to the guy behind the soda counter--"I would like some freedom please."
Guy behind the soda counter takes a fire hose and turns it on in the guy's mouth.
"Not that much freedom!!" Contemporary Philosophy, Sartre's Existentialism

Thursday, December 06, 2007

What is knowledge?
"So say Ean walks into the Quantum Physics lab at Harvard and says, 'Quantum events are indeterministic.'
Then the professors say, 'How do you know that?'
'Divine revelation from God,' says Ean.
'Get out of here kid. Who are you anyway?'
'Oh, your a Wyma kid.' {suddenly struck with enlightenment, the profs hurriedly begin writing down his every word}"

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

"I know I appear omnipotent and wizardly, but I am not Gandalf."

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

CORE 350 Humor:

“You could put CORE 350 on your resume.”

“Is it because I am an Orthodox and he is a heretic from Kentucky? Or, I am a genius philosopher and he just a social psychologist?”

“Remember I have a laser pointer. I can find you.”

“This is why I have not talked about Moral Relativism, and hence, brutally and politely attacked it.”

Saturday, December 01, 2007


“Hell is a really big cookie” Euthyphro

“God doesn’t like drunkenness because He doesn’t like grapes; however, He likes poppies so getting high is ok.” Divine Command Theory

“Wisdom is made known in the midst of fools. Unfortunately I have added to the mounting objective evidence provided for the wise.” Subjectivism

“Mike Tyson fled in the face of logic.” Subjectivism

“People who claim to be moral nihilists aren’t, unless they are writing it in their suicide note.” Subjectivism

“You will probably die on a toilet. And later be found naked and smelly.” Subjectivism
And the CORE 350 love should probably continue--concerning "Environment and Ethics"

“I have the subjective preference of lots of philosophy classes, but luckily I prefer an objective truth.”

“Fish are not that simple. But lets face it, fish are not that smart.”