Monday, February 23, 2009

History of Modern Philosophy 2009

"So here's Libby, she wants to be a nurse. She's dead...hard to get an internship." (Wyma, on how difficult it is to fulfill our desires in Hobbes state of nature.)

"Moore is saying 'the government should fear its people, ha ha,' and Hobbes is like, 'you moron; you couldn't possibly be more wrong."' (Moore-of V for Vendetta fame-versus Hobbes on the power of the sovereign.)

Friday, February 20, 2009

History of Modern Philosophy 2009

"It's not like sloths fighting mountain lions." (Wyma, explaining the concept of how humans are basically equal in abilities, at least according to Hobbes.)

"Oops, I forgot my 'h'" (Wyma had written the words "Englis" and "Civil," and then went back to squish an 'h' in between.)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

History of Modern Philosophy 2009

"Yeah, absolutely, I dare say bingo" (In response to Amy Whisenand just uber-nailing an answer)

Editor's Note: Yes, this next quote is a longish one; however it just so beautifully captures what a Wyma class is like that I had to include it.

Wyma: (who has been batting the projector screen cord back and forth for about seven seconds) "I'm starting to be like a cat...except that I'd be wanting to hurt someone with this."

(Small uproar from class...all right, just from this editor)

Wyma: "I know there are cat people in this room and it gives me great pleasure to torture them."

Amy: "But you're against torture."

Wyma: "That's a good point...I may have to rethink my position."

Monday, February 16, 2009

More Ethics

“This could be my boat!!”
--Referring to the possibly illegal retirement money

“Bill Clinton can tell us that he feels our pain, but we know it is not true. ‘Come here! I will show you my pain.’”

“Even saintly folk start to act like sinners when they miss their dinners.”
History of Modern Philosophy 2009

"Ones are sort of like know them when you see them." (Wyma on his reading response grading scale.)

"We're now going to jump into the law of wisdom which is Rene Descartes."

"The most powerful being is trying to deceive're toast."

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Beauty of Ethics

“There is a long tradition of philosophers being really annoying people. Socrates starts us out well.”

“Cold Stone it is like mainlining heroine. I know I am going to be needing more of this.”

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Core 350 2009 (thanks go out to Kelsey Toy for this quote)

"This sort of anger should be reserved for if Bill Robinson ran over your dog; and then backed up to finish it off. All the while looking you in the eye with a smirk on his face, as you stand there, holding the still trembling leash." (Wyma, on the wrath directed to Core 350.)

History of Modern Philosophy 2009

"Throes of that's a bad time to be alive, but a great time to be a philosopher. (Wyma, on the atmosphere leading up to the Modern project.)

"What's the purpose of being a cat...besides being evil." (Editor's note, "Hey!")

Friday, February 13, 2009

First off, I'm really sorry for how late these new quotes got exciting...I promise to try and keep the excitement to a bare minimum from now on.

Jan-Term: The Vices-Virtue and Evil 2009 (Living proof that sex sells, all the really good quotes had to do with lust.)

“Then they all say ‘holy mackerel, I’ve just slept with my best friend’s spouse’…except they don’t say ‘holy mackerel,’ it’s a little passé.” (On how characters in a book respond when they all meet up with each other...after all sleeping with one another.)

“Hello, Deacon Jones…I was just investigating this place for a…potential boycott. (Wyma, posing as a church member who’s been caught buying porn.)

“Adult entertainment; yeah, very mature.”

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Brought to you by Ethics 2009:

"I think that is the the kinda of question a good Christian wouldn't ask"
--long nasally breath (class introduction tradition)
And its response: "Witch, witch!! Burn him!!!...Which is a dangerous accusation at Calvin."

"Do I have a fork?"
--response to cannibal question of would you eat (name a companion)?

"Today Ethics is Holy, everything is coming in 3s"

"My hand is just not wanting to make letters today."
--Wyma struggles again with the lecture room markers

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Jan-Term: Vices-Virtue and Evil 2009

“If I could plan my life, I wouldn’t be a philosopher.”

“Instead, you get January; fog, cold, yeah baby.” (Wyma on how sad it is most students don’t get to see Spokane in the more pleasant summer months.)

“Ayn Rand’s theory is just Nietzsche with a big yellow smiley face stuck on it.” (Discussing The Fountain Head's depiction of pride.)

Monday, February 02, 2009

Jan-Term: The Vices-Virtue and Evil 2009 (Random quotes, not related to specific vices.)

“Football is a goldmine for feminist theory”

“Misery in small doses is fun. (Wyma on why the vices appeal to us.)

“The FOX network is the reason Satan’s glad he got a TiVo.”

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Social and Political Philosophy 2008

“My ‘b’ looks pregnant there.” (Editors note: It really did.)

“He’s fat, he’s Christian, he’s Italian.” (Yet another quote regarding Aquinas.)