Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ethics 2009

"Piety is less like chicken and more like gravity...I bet you never thought of that as an example." (Piety might be a concrete object, and other Euthyphro weirdness.)

"Was anyone else annoyed by Socrates?" (Hands raise left and right.) "Now you know why the Athenians poisoned him."

"Socrates would go in, confuse them all, and go 'all right, my work here is done."'

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

THEY'RE HERE...(cue creepy Poltergeist theme music). Yes people, after a lengthy haitus the school year has fired back up again...and that means so has The Life of Wyma (cue loud cheering) Over this next semester you will all be regaled with quotes from Ethics and History of Contemporary...with perhaps some quotes from Core 350 and Senior Capstone thrown in for good measure. So let the good times begin, and remember, laughter is the best medicine so come here often.

Ethics 2009

"That's bad...even for me; okay, that' s a "m." (Yep, starting class out right, with a handwriting comment.)

"Not only is Plato a good writer; not only does Plato make philosophy more interesting; not only does Forrest Baird idolatrously worship him...(Wyma on the usability of Plato)

"Zeus is the god of rulership and Kings and getting laid on the side...which is all he really did."

History of Contemporary Philosophy 2009

"I was attacked!" (Blaming the poor projector that he backed into)

"Tom Hobbes...we're kind of on a first name basis."

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hey everyone. So it's now finals week, and this means we're looking at the last of the Wyma quotes (at least until fall rolls around). Best wishes to everyone and their assorted tests, and I hope to see you all here again next semester.

History of Modern Philosophy 2009

"Oooh, I made a new word."

"Apodictic, yeah, I said it, apodictic."

" had like five spelling errors in that word [hypothetical]"

(Wyma draws a Kantian circle on the whiteboard, dislikes it, and draws another)
"The circle did not get any it's offending me"
(erases it and tries a third time)
"There, that's a little better."

"Americans are obsessed with cars. We have restaurants designed so you don't even have to leave your car. Drive-in-movie theaters...oooh, I'd like to go to a movie, but I don't want to leave my car. Lots of people were conceived in cars...there were lots of car "dates." (A small Wyma rant on car fixation.)

"There are limits to the usefulness of being quotable...or unbearably hip" (Wyma, on one of his classes saying "Wyma is a pimp," on all of his evals.)

(Editor's final note, Wyma's quote about being quotable seemed like the perfect way to end.)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Nietzsche Special

“Hard to get a signal from Nietzsche because of all that heat.”

Contradicting Wills: “Oh I am sore. (sleeping). Oh ethics. Wait I am hungry. No, I have to poop. Right ethics.”

“The will to power is about subordinating other desires to achieve an overall will. I live with two people that poop whenever they want, most often at the dinner table. They are 2 ½ so it is to be expected, but it puts you off your own meal.”

“It’s evil! Don’t touch it.”

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

History of Modern Philosophy 2009

(Me)"Wouldn't Reid's claim [ideas aren't the mind's objects, just what's really out there] be a problem when you're nearsighted and everything's all fuzzy and blurry and soft?"

(Wyma) "You're seeing bunnies (takes off glasses) I'm teaching bunnies"

"I'm trying really hard not to think about Britney Spears." (Editor's question, aren't we all?)

"Some truly trippy Kantian stuff."

Monday, April 27, 2009

History of Modern Philosophy 2009

"Wow...I didn't know Cheerio's could make your heart explode. I'll go put that on the Internet right now." (Wyma demonstrating how, according to Hume, the more "wondrous" something is the more likely we are to believe it.)

"It's different, and very, very bad." (Distinction between actual pain and just lack of pleasure."

Sunday, April 26, 2009

History of Modern Philosophy 2009

"Oh it's the best of all possible worlds...moron." (Hume's take on Leibniz.)

"First of all...first of all it is loud." (A sudden, and indeed quite loud, noise outside the classroom caused Wyma to semi-deviate from his original point.)

"Who were the morons out in California...I mean it's hard to single out morons in California."